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"We are very impressed with the quality of your leads, and the success we're having with them!"

Dave S.

What else can I say but "Great Customer Service" ! !

Ron A.

"We are having some really good success with the leads..."

Lynn T.

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MarketingScents provides you with the very best,
most responsive real time surveyed home business
leads available today!

We produce a variety of Surveyed Network Marketing and Business Opportunity Leads, but we're best known for our Real Time Surveyed Leads, which we deliver a second after the prospect submits their information to us. Leads don't get any hotter than this!

We own over 600 lead producing websites and have partnerships with the owners of thousands of other websites, enabling us to provide the freshest, most responsive, non-incentivized leads, at the lowest possible prices.

Our commitment to customer satisfaction is second to none. We are dedicated to helping you succeed in your business. Contact our Customer Service dept. at any time if you have any questions or need help with anything.

Simply put, if you want to explode your business then
you should try our leads.

Our leads are sold an average of only two times. Plus, you have the ability to select your maximum number of leads per day and pause your order at any time !

Need Assistance? Contact Support at1-800-881-4742

About Our Leads

We specialize in generating true Real Time Surveyed Home Business Opportunity Leads. We have our own ad network of over 600 lead producing websites, and we advertise on thousands of other websites. We also advertise in about 250 local newspapers across North America, on the radio, and we do some Opt-In Email advertising as well.

Prospects come from these various advertising sources and land on our lead capture pages. They fill in their information which includes name, address, email, phone, and up to 5 answers to these questions: reason for interest, interest level, hours to invest, money to invest, desired income, time zone and best time to call.

When they hit submit the information comes into our database and if you are next in the rotation for a Real Time Lead, the lead is emailed to you immediately � within a few seconds to a few minutes. This is a true Real Time Lead and you receive their information when they are most interested in hearing about a home-based business.

Limited Distribution of Our Leads

Most companies sell their leads 5 or more times, and some companies have been found to sell their leads more than a dozen times within 24 hours. For our generic business opportunity leads, we sell our leads an average of only two times.

You Control Lead Flow

We also provide you with our state-of-the-art, exclusive, Lead Control Panel that gives you total control over the flow of your leads. You can pause and unpause your order at any time! If you don't want to work over the weekend, or if you're going away on a holiday, you can simply pause your order and then resume order flow when you are ready to receive leads again.

You also have complete control of the target amount of leads that you want each day. Simply tell us how many leads you want per day... and that's exactly what you'll get!

Plus, you can also view or download your leads, but of course this would usually not be necessary since you are getting the leads delivered to you in real time by email.

About Us

Founded in 2001, Peak has quickly become the fastest-growing and most-trusted lead generation and delivery company in the lead industry.

With headquarters in Oklahoma City, OK we have maintained our "small office feeling", while benefiting from our association and close ties with the best of the best sources and publishers in the US. We have approximately 10 in-house experts in the OKC office with additional support in California and abroad.

Our team of internet marketing professionals is committed to leveraging our exclusive technology and extensive network relationships to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction.

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