My Platinum Leads

Exclusive Live Interviewed Leads

Every day, we have a team of expert sales reps calling thousands of prospects just to find the best of the best prospects. On average, our team makes 94 calls in order to generate just 1 Telephone Interviewed lead.

Our unique three step pre-qualifying process

  1. The prospects click on an online ad for a home based business opportunity and submit their contact information.

  2. We call the prospect and take them through an interview.

  3. Once we complete the interview we confirm they will be awaiting a call from a highly recommended company.

The Interview

Here is what our team looks for in every lead.

*What is your reason for starting a home based business?

*Do you have Home Based Business experience?

*How much do you want to earn in the next 30 days?

*Budget - We know that most business can be started for a small startup cost, so we make sure they have at least $100 to invest right now if they find a business the like. If they don't, they are disqualified as a lead.

With each lead you get:

  • First & Last Name

  • Phone

  • Email

  • Interviewing Agent Name

  • What is your reason for starting a home based business?
    A. Earn extra money B. Be your own boss C. Flexible schedule D. Other (includes all of the above or other reason).

  • Do you have Home Based Business experience?

  • How much do you want to earn in the next 30 days?

  • Min. $100 to Invest.

  • The availability of this leads is very limited!

    Because of the strict pre-qualification process each prospect has gone through, the quantity is very limited. Reserve yours today! If we are sold out of leads for your program we will notify you immediately.

    Leads are sold on a first come first serve basis. We will process your order within one business day of when you place your order.

    Lead Type: Business Opportunity
    Delivery: Immediately to within a few business days
    Lead Age: Real-Time
    Location: USA only.
    Replacements: Bad Leads within 5 days.

    Adding Exclusive Live Interviewed Leads To Your Shopping Cart:

    Step 1: Select Quantity

    ChooseQtyTotal PricePrice Each
    25$137.50$5.50 ea.
    35$192.50$5.50 ea.
    50$275.00$5.50 ea.
    100$550.00$5.50 ea.
    200$1100.00$5.50 ea.

    Step 2: What is the Maximum # of Leads per day that you would like to receive?

    The maximum number of Exclusive Live Interviewed Leads that you can request per day is 20.

    Step 3: Delivery Options

    In addition to our web based interface, you have the following options for receiving your Leads.Please check the boxes next to your preferred method of delivery. More than one method of delivery may be selected.

    Response Magic Lead Provider

         - Please Enter Your Response Magic Username:

    Select this option and every lead delivered to your order will be sent an SMS Message upon delivery to your order. The message will automatically include your name and contact information. The message will look like this:

    Your contact person is:
    Jane Smith - 888-555-1212
    Be ready for their call/text

    * Please note: Successful delivery of SMS Messages can not be guaranteed.

    Everytime a lead is acquired its contents are emailed to you.
    Please note: Delivery via email is NOT guaranteed. Check your account daily for new leads.

    Please enter your phone number below to have your leads delivered to you by Text (SMS) Message as they are assigned. Read Full Terms

         - Mobile Number (format: XXX-XXX-XXXX):

    Add To Shopping Cart
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